Baikal World - Lake Baikal map
Origin & Development
Legends & Fairy tales • 
Earth's Crust Thickness • 
Underwater Relief • 
Landscapes • 
History & Formation • 
Seismic Activity • 
History of Lake Baikal
History of Explorations • 
Inhabitants & Settlers • 
First maps of Baikal • 
Archaeological Sites • 
Lake Baikal Climate
Introduction • 
Fogs • 
Winds & Waves • 
Ice Conditions • 
Fauna & Vegetation
Mammals • 
Baikal seal - Nerpa • 
Ichthyofauna • 
Invertebrates • 
Vegetation • 
Water of Lake Baikal
Colour • 
Transparency • 
Temperature • 
Pressure • 
Depth • 
Currents • 
Budget • 
Chemical Composition • 
Pollution • 
Recreational Areas
Circumbaikal Railway • 
Peschanaya Bays • 
Olkhon Island • 
Chivirkuysky Gulf • 
Wooden Irkutsk • 
Trans-Siberian Railway • 
People of Lake Baikal
People of Siberia • 
Buryat nation in Baikal • 
Russians in Baikal • 
Explanation of the local terms and geographical names at lake Baikal
Lake Baikal Map

Scale (approximately) - 1:750000 / 1cm = 7.5 km
- the map covers in detail the surface of Baikal lake and 5 - 7 km of the inland.
- the map shows in detail all capes, bays and gulfs;
- the map shows only main rivers, villages, towns, depths and altitudes (below / above
  the lake's surface level) > the lake surface area above the sea level / altitude = 454 m;
- the map does not include roads and highways
Map of Baikal lake - Northern territories
Bakal lake map: north-east
Baikal map: north-east
map of Baikal: north-east
lake Baikal map: north-east
lake Baikal: north-east
Baikal lake - central territories
Lake Baikal - middle part
Map of Baikal lake - central part
lake Baikal - central part
Baikal Lake - central and south-west
lake Baikal map: south-west
map of Baikal: south-west
South-west of Baikal lake
Baikal lake map: south-west
Map of Baikal Lake: south-west
Lake Baikal map - southern territories

This map is for personal use only.
Copying or distributing is forbidden without prior written permission.

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